Project consisted of 20+ sites, 20+ Devices installed across 6 states & territories here in Australia.
Project provided real-time air quality monitoring of PM2.5, PM10, TVOC, CO2, Temperature and Relative Humidity - all linked to a central reporting and alerting system.
Project included use of mould prediction monitoring using a digitised version of the ASHRAE 160 VTT model.
Customer Review:
My team came to be involved with Alex from AETMOS during the extreme conditions experienced across the ACT during the January 2020 bushfires. At the time there were very few companies who could provide critical live reporting of PM2.5 and the impact on a building providing a cost effective and mobile solution.
AETMOS established a reporting suite with automated twice daily reporting to critical teams within the Department. Alex met with key non-technical personnel and explained the key factors to be considered with PM2.5 and bushfire haze.
AETMOS has supported it’s product both promptly and with sound product knowledge.
AETMOS have also recently deployed a solution in our Townsville office to assist with PM2.5 and CO2 monitoring.
This has been incorporated seamlessly into our twice daily AETMOS dashboards.